let us support you, mama.

feeding a baby is hard, and whether you are nursing, pumping, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, exclusively pumping, formula-feeding or any and all of the above, we’re here to help.


  • provide access to feeding experts for virtual consultations

  • help you find the answers to all the nursing, pumping and feeding questions you have

  • serve personalized articles and love notes based on your baby’s due date and back to work date to help you overcome challenges (like your latch, cracked nipples or baby biting) and reach your breastfeeding goal

  • surround you with a non-judgmental community of parents in the same phase of life

  • help you find a mom-approved place to nurse and pump near you using in-app geolocation, as well as share our global map of searchable pumpspots

  • deliver timely uplifts to help you make it one more ounce, one more feed, one more day

welcome to the only breastfeeding app and support system you need.

you’ve got this!



with an entire community of parents who are also navigating this wild time while feeding their little one(S).

find a spot to nurse or pump

it’s like Yelp, but for boobs. no more nursing in dirty bathrooms or pumping dark broom closets for you.


get stories from moms who’ve been there before, advice from lactation consultants and postpartum experts, and how-to's for each feeding milestone along the way.

tailored for you

the pumpspotting app fits your feeding journey, no matter what that journey looks like


from our users:

Love love love. I’ve never seen an app like this. It encourages and supports breastfeeding mothers in a way I’ve never seen before. It’s easy to use and helpful. SO HELPFUL! If you, your wife, your sister is breastfeeding, do her a favor and get her this app. She will thank you for it.
— missylin29

@pumpspotting on Instagram


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